Awakening to Lucidity in the Shared Living Dream

None of the deeper answers can be found in the thought mind. The thought mind is the place where our soul/ consciousness experiences the projection: this collective, co-created holographic reality. Our consciousness- our heart centre (‘intuitive mind’) created the thought mind through which to experience many different adventures.Somewhere along the line, we thought it wouldContinue reading “Awakening to Lucidity in the Shared Living Dream”

The Love Frequency is ‘Sophia’s Correction’; ‘The Fifth Element’; the True ‘Great Reset’

Several months ago I had a dream. In this dream I encountered this villain, and this villain represented one of the main culprits who is responsible for much of the evil, cruelty and injustice in the world. I saw his face in the dream, but could not remember it after I woke up. Anyway, inContinue reading “The Love Frequency is ‘Sophia’s Correction’; ‘The Fifth Element’; the True ‘Great Reset’”

The Heart Portal (a poem)

The mind is a labyrinth that has no ending, There is a mind beyond the mind; A doorway to our being. By tuning in, And feeling It takes us home: To our true home. We’re tapped in; Interconnected Things make sense, It all becomes clear. Let’s go here To the place beyond fear. Focus yourContinue reading “The Heart Portal (a poem)”

Intuition vs Imagination

Over the last few days, I’ve been processing a few different insights. I’ve been wanting to write them down and share them but I have been quite busy. The first one is regarding intuition. I was thinking about ways to distinguish between our true, inner knowing and our mind’s creation (i-magi-nation). One time I wasContinue reading “Intuition vs Imagination”

A Vision of Sophia and Yaldeboath

On my way home, I saw in the cloud a dragon/ lion like face. There was another cloud next to it and in my mind’s eye I pictured this cloud as the goddess Sophia. I saw her embrace Yaldeboath and him being transformed and transmuted by the unrivalled power of her infinite, unconditional love. HisContinue reading “A Vision of Sophia and Yaldeboath”

My Plant Medicine Journey

Last year, through a series of synchronistic happenings, the opportunity was presented to me to experience consciousness altering plant medicine. It was something I had thought about for several years, but back then I had not felt quite ready. But I had been feeling a lot more prepared for the experience in recent times leadingContinue reading “My Plant Medicine Journey”

Liberation From the Mind’s Matrix

Our thoughts are the doorway to the way we experience everything in this life. We each have our own programming through our upbringing, social conditioning as well as the way every individual experience and interaction has influenced us. Only through a deep understanding of ourselves can we change some of the behaviour patterns we followContinue reading “Liberation From the Mind’s Matrix”

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